R.W. Bro. Daniel Hart
1835 to 1841
In 1831, a group of respected individuals, including Bros. Pilkington and Crabbe, applied for a charter from the Grand Lodge of England, which was granted on March 29th of that year. The Philanthropic Lodge, No. 856, was later erected and consecrated in Trinidad in 1835 some one hundred and eighteen years after the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) was formed.
1841 to 1849
The Philanthropic Lodge was in dormancy for the period 1842 to 1850 likely due to the instability of the Trinidad economy after the former slaves apprenticeship ending in 1838.
1849 to Present
On the 27th December 1850, the foundation stone of a Masonic Temple, on Mount Zion, was laid by the then governor of the island, the Right Hon. Lord Harris, assisted by Bro. Daniel Hart, W.M. of Philanthropic Lodge, No. 585, and a numerous assemblage of brethren, and the gentry of the island.

We helped establish several other Lodges
Members of the Royal Philanthropic Lodge (RPL) established several other lodges under both the English and Scottish Constitutions.
3Fun Facts
We are a Family Lodge
We have several generations of family in our membership. We encourage our members to include their families in our Masonic events.

We regularly give
to Charity
Our members are encouraged to contribute to charitable causes collectively through the lodge, and individually, in their personal capacities.

The Worshipful Master, often referred to as the "Master," serves as the presiding officer and leader of a Freemasons Lodge, responsible for upholding the values and traditions of the organization.
It is customary, that a brother is elected from our ranks to fill the position of Worshipful Master for the year. He is supported by his Wardens and other Lodge Officers who are appointed or otherwise elected.
W.Bro. Clint Williams is our Worshipful Master for the year 2024.
The United Grand
Lodge of England
The United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) is the governing body of Freemasonry in England, Wales, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man and some Districts overseas including the District Grand Lodge of Trinidad and Tobago. Their headquarters is Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London.

Claiming descent from the Masonic Grand Lodge formed on 24th June 1717 at the Goose & Gridiron Tavern in London, it is considered to be the oldest Masonic Grand Lodge in the world.